House & Garden – Multi Zyme
House & Garden Multi Zyme is a powerful stimulator, rich in enzymes, co-enzymes and vitamins. Multi Zyme accelerates and boosts the growth process. It also strengthens the plant’s immunity. Multi Zyme helps to break down and dissolve organic matter and also increases the plants resistance to disease and stress. The enzymes help convert the base nutrient into an even more bio available nutriment which is far more easily assimilated by the plant.
House & Garden Multi Zyme is a complex range of useful enzymes. These enzymes are very important for the plants to metabolically exchange plant sugars. Enzymes are small catalysts that trigger these processes and keep them in tune with the plant’s growth rate. It also has enzymes that promote flowering sites and soil conditioning.
Multi Zyme is designed for use in soil, hydroponics and coco applications. Ultra-soluble for ease of use!
House & Garden – Shooting Powder
House & Garden Shooting Powder is the secret behind every successful cup winning grower. This sparkling bud expander is the absolute best in the field of flowering stimulators. It gives visible results and works brilliantly with all base nutrients. It is packed in handy sachets, is simple to use and has been extensively tested by our research team. It has already gained great respect in the horticultural industry and, moreover, has earned our customers’ complete satisfaction. It is the powdered form of top shooter, in easy to use sachets.
House & Garden Shooting Powder forces your plants into starting a new flowering cycle after the regular cycle has stopped, significantly increasing the fruits’ total weight. The extra yield after applying this product will surprise even the most seasoned grower. Shooting powder creates a new layer on top of the existing fruit! Output increases of up to 20% can be reached this way and are very common.
House & Garden – Top Booster
Top Booster is the REAL PK 13/14 for serious floral production! Using premium mineral phosphorus and potassium (plus added EDDHA – FE Iron) to encourage the plant into a final stage of reproductive growth. Top booster encourages autumn hormones (ethylene) to reinforce the plants biological response to a changing light environment. Top Booster PK 13/14 is generally only used for 1 week in the middle of the reproductive stage. With this floral trigger and reinforcement of the flowering process, the plant will form larger flowers and fruits and encourage faster, higher quality yields.
House Plant Focus
House Plant Myst Spray
House&Garden Amino Treatment
House and Garden’s Amino Treatment is a new, unique, and revolutionary product that increases both the quality and quantity of your fruit yield and keeps your plants strong and healthy throughout their growth cycles. Amino Treatment contains high quality micro silica particles that strengthen cell walls and increases your plants resistance to diseases and insect infestations. It regulates cell breathing and increases the efficiency of plant perspiration. Your plants will also have a better salt tolerance preventing nutrient lock-out and they will adapt better to climate fluctuations. That means a higher resistance to stress.
House&Garden Top Shooter
Top Shooter
House & Garden Top Shooter has gained a reputation worldwide as the finest flowering stimulator on the market. It shares the same active ingredients as Shooting Powder, but is sold as a gel for easier application.
Used in the final stages of the flowering cycle, Top Shooter forces a new stage of growth when the plant's fruit is almost ready to be cropped. Some other flowering stimulators will add density to fruit but taste and aroma will be compromised. By adding a new layer of growth to each fruit, House & Garden Top Shooter ensures a better end result without compromising the quality of your fruits. Top Shooter has increased many crops by up to 30%. When the plants have all the optimum conditions of heat, light and CO2, this product will amaze the grower as it forms another set of flowers over the existing flowers, forming dense buds like you have never witnessed before.
It produces visible results quickly and is simple to use.
Biogreen MAM is a high-quality one-part fertiliser with all the required macro and microelements needed to maintain healthy mother plants from which cuttings are constantly taken from.
Combining twelve minerals and macro nutrients it gives the mother plant everything it needs.
An easy 1-part nutrient for mother plants to ensure a consistent line of healthy
quality cuttings.
Mammoth P
Mighty Bloom Enhancer
Developed specifically to increase your crop’s yield potential, Mighty Bloom Enhancer gives flowering plants exactly what they need to excel and build weight. Mighty Bloom Enhancer encourages more female flowering sites, heavier fruit and even works as a hardener. Use with Head Masta to further improve flavours, aromas and the overall quality of your crop.
Shake well before use. Use 1ml/L throughout flowering period. Stop using base nutrients and increase to 5-7ml/L through week 6 to 7, then resume your normal program.
Mighty Growth Enhancer
A healthy, vigorous growth phase is essential in building the foundations that lead to big yields. Mighty Growth Enhancer increases the leaf size and chlorophyll density of your plants, accelerating their rate of vegetative growth. This increased food production capacity leads to a much tougher and more durable plant able to sustain an increased final yield.
Shake well before use. Use 1ml/L during the vegetative period and the first two weeks of the flowering period.