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Advanced Nutrients – OG Organics Bud Candy

Fuelled by all-natural carbohydrates, OIM-certified terpene and taste enhancer OG Organics™ Bud Candy® unlocks bigger yields of sweeter, aromatic flowers while also nourishing natural root zone microbes and creating the optimal conditions for increased nutrient absorption. • Multiple carbohydrate sources increase terpene production for fragrant, flavourful flowers • Helps feed natural beneficial microbes which increases nutrient absorption • Plants enjoy a full tank of energy reserves they can tap into during ripening OG Organics™ Bud Candy® is specially designed for use with diverse hydroponic growing media and all continuous liquid-feed growing systems such as aeroponics, drip irrigation and emitters, NFT, flood and drain, and deep-water culture. ATTENTION: OG Organics™ Bud Candy® is completely compatible with all pH Perfect Base Nutrients as well as with all non pH Perfect Base Nutrients and supplements and all competitors Base Nutrients and supplements.  

Advanced Nutrients Bud Factor X

Bud Factor-X contains bio-active ingredients that enhance inherent qualities in plants, coaxing maximum production of terpinoids, resins and essential oils. The components in Bud Factor X were also engineered to maximize yields, not only crop quality. The balanced combination of highly bio-active ingredients maximize resin contents in crops as well as enabling crops to continue at maximize photosynthetic rates when plants normally are forced to "shut-down". The reduced forms of nitrogen and B-Vitamins in the formulation will also further root development, especially when using Bud Factor X in conjunction with Piranha, Voodoo Juice and Tarantula.

FloraMax – Resin XS

Resin-XS is a specialized flowering additive for use in conjunction with “PK” additives:
  •  Aids in photosynthesis
  •  Helps promote higher fruit weight
  • Helps plants produce protein
  • Improves the ability of plants to absorb water and other nutrients
Directions for use USE ONLY AS DIRECTED Use Resin-XS throughout the flowering / fruiting phase. Add to existing nutrient solution at 2-4ml/L (1½ – 3tsp/Gal) then stir well. Use this solution for every watering. As a general rule, the higher dose rates should only be used for heavy feeders in the mid-late flowering phase.  

Green Planet – Purpinator

Purpinator is a specialty nutrient additive created with cultivators in mind. The unique formulation includes a variety of inputs designed to provide users with increased production of flavonoids like anthocyanins, which improve coloration of the plant to deliver deep, rich hues of purple in capable cultivars.

Green Planet – Rezin

Green Planet Rezin Rezin is an aroma and flavour enhancer. It helps your plants to produce more terpenes resulting in better extractions. Rezin is composed of a combination of Ascorbic, Citric, Gluconic and Lactic Acids created through a complex fermentation process.

Green Planet – Terpinator

Terpinator is the original terpene enhancing fertilizer additive designed to improve terpene concentration in your plants.

House & Garden – Bud-XL

House & Garden Bud-XL has a unique ability to extract sugars from the leaves of the plant and transfer them to the fruit. The fruit is made sweeter and its taste is improved. Bud-XL will also increase the size and robustness of the flowers, resulting in an increase in fruit production and greater turnover. Bud-XL is a terrific product for beginners through to professionals.

Plagron – Sugar Royal

Sugar Royal is an enhancer, with the main goal to get an improved taste and smell of the end product. There are 20 different essential amino acids, all of which a plant can naturally produce. However, synthesizing these amino acids consumes a significant amount of the plant's energy and nutrients. Sugar Royal supplies a unique blend of 18 different amino acids, relieving the plant from the burden of producing these compounds on its own. This conservation of energy and nutrients leads to a reduced risk of nutrient deficiencies, which results in a higher end quality (better taste and smell). To develop even more taste and smell for the end product, terpenes are needed. Each terpene has its own structure and smell, the more terpenes, the better the taste and aromas. Enzymes and precursors are essential for the creation of terpenes, both are formed by amino acids. Thanks to the mix of amino acids in Sugar Royal, we create a surplus of enzymes and precursors. This stimulates terpene production. Result: an excellent outcome in terms of taste and smell of the end product.  

Rock Resinator



Resinator is a revolutionary flower enhancer that will dramatically increase essential oil production and flower mass. Resinator provides the highest quality soluble phosphorus and potassium for translocation to flowering sites.