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Mills Basis A+B Base

Mills Basis is your staple base nutrient, designed to optimize nutritional absorption throughout your plants growth cycle. Effective across a wide pH range, this highly concentrated feed is administered in two parts – A and B – and will result in bumper harvests with no detriment to your plant’s natural aromas and flavours. The "meat and potatoes" of the Mills line. All essential micro and macro nutrients are found in these two bottles together. Just like any other two part nutrient, Basis A and B should be mixed in equal parts in your water to create a nutrient solution.

Plant Success – Great White Shark


The endo and ecto mycorrhiza, beneficial bacteria and trichoderma build a microbial system in and on plant roots which enhance water and nutrient uptake. Great White can be used in hydroponics, field agriculture or home gardening. It is best used as a seed coat or in the early stages of growth. Users should look for vibrant and vigorous plants.  Great White is used by professional and home growers for its quality, consistency and proven results.

Plant Success – King Crab Liquid


A key to nutrient uptake is beneficial bacteria. The active microbes in King Crab were specifically selected to be used as a supplement to the regular feeding schedule to boost effectiveness and plant performance during the veg and bloom phases. These microbes enhance absorption of phosphorous and micronutrients which is key to higher yields and quality flowers.