Showing 445–456 of 930 results

Growth Technology – AquaBurst

AquaBurst is formulated and blended by experts, especially for Growth Technology. Soil and coco growers should add this to every nutrient mix. Adding AquaBurst will allow nutrients and moisture to penetrate the entire volume of soil. AquaBurst reduces risk of stress by minimising drying out.

Growth Technology – Liquid Silicon

Silicon is a beneficial plant nutrient, found in virtually all natural soils but not - until now - in hydroponic nutrient solutions. Silicon will strengthen the plant walls producing stronger healthier plants with massive root systems and increased resistance to pests and disease. Liquid Silicon is highly beneficial to plants in the range of 10-30 ppm in the nutrient solution. It is not included, and cannot be included, at these levels, in nutrient concentrates. It needs to be added as a separate component by the grower. Liquid Silicon can be added to nutrient tanks every time a fresh batch is made up.

Growth Technology – Nitrozyme

Nitrozyme is based upon a highly concentrated and purified extract of marine kelp. It is rich in growth-promoting compounds and has truly amazing effects on crop performance. Imported from Canada, Nitrozyme has been thoroughly tested by reputable organisations, on many commercial crops. 

Growth Technology – Orchid Focus Grow

Orchid Focus is manufactured from pure mineral salts and enriched with concentrated organic plant acids. It contains no urea which damages the sensitive orchid roots. Never use a fertiliser that contains urea for your orchids – it is irresponsibly made. Orchid Focus Grow - for the vegetative periods of Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Odontoglossum, Cambria, Brassia, Miltonia and others. It contains all the necessary nutrients for optimal leaf and shoot production.  

Growth Technology – PH Down 30%

Phosphoric acid 30%. Used to lower the pH of nutrient solutions. It is a very acidic solution and should be handled with extreme caution.

Growth Technology – pH Probe Cleaner

A solution for the effective cleaning of pH probes. Available in: 300 ml  

Growth Technology – pH Probe Refill & Storage – 300ml

pH Probe Refill & Storage Solution This solution can be used to store pH meters when not in use. Basically, the probe glass bulb at the end of the meter should be just immersed in the solution. This will condition the probe and maximise its useful life. The same solution can be used for refilling the probes on certain meters.  

Growth Technology – PH Up

Potassium hydroxide 25%. Used to raise the pH of nutrient solutions. It is a very basic (alkaline) solution and should be handled with extreme caution.

Growth Technology – SuperDrive

A highly effective vitamin solution for plant development at all stages of growth. Reduces stress and maximises plant performance. Can be applied through the roots or through the leaves, and can be added to nutrient solutions. Easy to use, maximum effect.

Growth Technology Chilli Focus


The premier liquid nutrient for chillis and peppers

Chilli Focus is based on commercial chilli nutrients, as manufactured by our company for over twenty years.

Chillies and peppers have specific nutritional requirements. While it is true that they can perform reasonably well with general purpose feeds, the best results will be achieved by using a formulation designed specifically for them. Chilli Focus is precisely formulated for the needs of chillies and peppers  it does not contain urea. It supports the production of healthier, more vigorous plants and colourful, juicier fruits.

Growth Technology EC Standard 2.76 mS/cm – 300ml


EC Standard 2.76 mS/cm

Solution of a known electrical conductivity (EC), used to check and calibrate EC meters. This should be a regular procedure to ensure best results from the meter.